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肥壮紧结、色泽乌润、冲泡后香气馥郁高长、滋味浓郁甘鲜,回甘持久、汤色金黄清澈明亮,饮之齿颊留香,喉底回甘,香中有味,味中有香。The tea’s fragrance is rich and long with a rich and fresh taste, leaving a long-lasting aftertaste, The tea is golden yellow clear and bright.
取本品7克(可依据个人口味适当增减),放入茶杯,用110毫升沸水冲泡,约15-20秒倒出茶水即可饮用,不可久浸,可连续冲泡6-7次。山泉水、矿泉水冲泡更佳。Put 7 grams placed in a teapot and add 110ml of boiling water. Wait 15-25 seconds before pouring the tea. The same batch can be brewed 6-7 times in a row. Use spring water or mineral water for richer taste.