
安溪铁观音(Anxi Tiekuanyin)

  • 购买渠道:电商
  • 货号:FS986
  • 克/盒:504
  • 罐/盒:
  • 克/泡(盒):
  • 盒/件:4


“凤山”浓香型铁观音特有的“观音韵”和“爆米花”香的特点,色泽乌润,汤色金黄明亮,滋味醇厚有回甘。工艺:秉承“茶为君火为臣”传统制作工艺加工,经茶厂茶师傅精心烘焙而成。The tea fragrance is rich and similar to “popcorn”. The color is a bright yellow and the taste is mellow. Crafted using traditional methods for production processing and it has been carefully baked by our tea masters.


取本品8.4g放入杯中,用85℃以上沸水冲泡,约15-30秒倒出茶水,即可饮用,不可久浸,可连续冲泡多次。Put 8.4 grams placed in a teapot with over 85 Celcius boiling water. Wait 15-25 seconds before pouring the tea. The same batch can be brewed 6-7 times in a row. Use spring water or mineral water for a richer taste.